The tale as old as time

There's a story here. It's the same story that's unfolding in millions of hearts across the globe. It's the remembrance of where we came from, of what we were before industry and scale and efficiency-at-all-costs took over our world.

You know.

it wasn't very long ago that it happened. Maybe just 3 or 4 great-grandmothers back. And what of the remaining many thousands of great-grandmothers, the Old-Timers I guess you'd call them [I hope they call me an Old-Timer someday].

You remember, right?

You. Y O U walk with the wisdom of the thousands and thousands of women who brought you here. It's your blood. It's the stuff your bones are made of. It's the eyes that gaze back at you in the mirror. Your kind smile, your perseverance, your delicious aroma.

And when you remember who it is you really are, what it is you're really made of.

Well, I don't have to tell you, right?

Suddenly, there's no more room for compromise on the important things. Suddenly, when you remember all the things over all the years that all the people did in order for you to simply




And they want you to settle for cheap? Mass-produced? Inferior on all accounts?




Darling, pardon my French, but this is the part where you tell them to go find themselves.

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