When you start with premium ingredients, it's easy to skip the toxic stuff.

Here's a little secret department store brands don't want you to know: Their skincare products are full of toxic ingredients. Wanna know why?

You know you do.

The foundation of their products is most always one of two options: 1) petroleum byproducts (yes, that means oil and gas) or 2) low-quality seed oils (sunflower, safflower, even jojoba oil is being called into question. 

And here's the issue with using such ingredients in skincare: Your body is smart enough to know it's not good for it and naturally rejects it at the protective skin barrier. And, to get around this, companies add all kinds of chemicals to break down and deplete the skin's natural protective barrier. 

So while you might get some short-term results (acne reduction, pore tightening, etc.), over the long-term what's happening is the daily degradation of your skin's ultra-important protective barrier, which means that coveted, juicy moisture and hydration actually leave the skin and toxins and pollutants now enter your unprotected face, which over time translate to premature aging, dark spots, blemishes, and sagging. 

I know what you're thinking... why on Earth would they do this to us?!

And here's where we have to throw in a quick little lesson in finance and economics. Department store brands have multiple shareholders which means they're driven by one thing and one thing only: making profits. Petroleum byproducts, low-quality seed oils, and lab-manufactured chemicals cost them pennies on the dollar to produce and it makes their shareholders very, very happy when their margins increase... at the expense of your face.

So here's what we at UNCIVILIZED have decided to do about it so that we never, ever feel the need to use harmful ingredients: We simply start with the most premium, high-quality base around. Grassfed beef tallow (that means fat). While it might initially sound unorthodox to the uninitiated, those who know know that tallow reigns supreme when it comes to highly effective AND nontoxic skincare. 

It's range of benefits are simply incomparable. It stimulates cellular turnover and collagen production. It delivers a wide variety of vitamins and nutrients where they're needed most. And, perhaps one of its most important features: your skin's protective barrier recognizes tallow as a natural, health-promoting substance which means we don't have to add any harmful chemicals or masking fragrances in order for UNCIVILIZED products to penetrate deep in the epidermis and deliver the goods and your skin barrier not only stays in tact, it is actually nourished and strengthened with consistent regular use.

So why doesn't everyone do this? Well, simply, that's just not the world we live in today. Long-term effects are very often sacrificed (in every industry) in order to make short-term gains. Producing tallow-based skincare requires impeccable sourcing methods and timely, labor-intensive infusion processes. 

And we wouldn't have it any other way. If you're curious and ready to try products that will truly revolutionize your skin's health and radiance, we invite you to request free samples here and we guarantee you've never tried anything like it.